At Levine Security Solutions, our mission is to provide faith based institutions, private schools, and business organizations with a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan that focuses on Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. Additionally, Levine Security Solutions conducts site vulnerability assessments, emergency response training, and facilitates practical emergency exercises using best practices derived from agencies to include the Federal Emergency Management Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Anti-Defamation League. We believe a customized emergency plan is a critical component of any risk management program designed to mitigate personal injury, property damage, and civil liability. Our goal is to build long lasting relationships with all our clients and make their organization a safer place.
our 8 STEPS of the
Emergency Planning Process


Step 1: Getting Started
Contact us to arrange a meeting. You can call or send us an email anytime at:

Step 2: Site Visit and Assessment
One of our security consultants will visit the organization and meet with key stakeholders. A basic outline of the emergency planning process will be explained and the consultant(s) will tour the facility. In addition, all clients will be asked to complete a preliminary site assessment packet. This packet is used to collect data about the facility, current security measures, and give us an understanding of the general operations, and examines any current emergency operation plans. Based on the expectations of the organization, a proposal outlining the scope of work will be provided to the key stakeholders.

Step 3: Vulnerability Assessment
Our team will conduct a thorough Vulnerability Threat Assessment of the organization. This will include the identification of any risks, natural or man made, picture and video documentation of the organization and critical infrastructure. We will also conduct an assessment of security measures, access control, facility communication, community / local hazards, visitor and employee relations, rings of protection, local emergency response, and local crime statistics. We will make recommendations to the organization based on our assessment. All recommendations follow best practices derived from a variety of public resources, The Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies.

Domestic Abduction
Missing Child
Hazardous Material
Suicidal Person
Work Place Violence

Step 4: Development of the Crisis Management Team (CMT)
We will help the organization develop a CMT and act as a guide to ensure the proper positions are met with the appropriate people. We will meet with the CMT to cover each persons roles and responsibilities.

Step 5: Drafting of the Emergency Operation Plan.
Levine Security Solutions will complete a draft of the organizations Emergency Operations Plan. The plan will be customized and comprehensive addressing all areas of emergency planning and response. Learn More

Step 6: Review and Finalizing the Plan
Our consultants will review the plan with the CMT and make any appropriate changes. Once finalized, the plan can be placed on a secure cloud server so it can easily be disseminated to all employees and accessed from any computer or smart phone. Levine Security Solutions will also provide the organization with a final printed and bound copy of the plan.

Step 7: Training
We recommend three types of training: Table top exercises, functional drills, and scenario based exercises. Often times we will coordinate these training with your local public safety officials. All staff members should have a basic understanding of the emergency operation plan, and know their roles and responsibilities during all types of emergencies. To see all training classes offered by Levine Security Solutions select Learn More

Step 8: Annual Review
New threats will emerge and the tactics to mitigate these threats will evolve. We want you to always be up to date with the most current best known practices.
***Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions tab for more information
***If you have any questions please give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you.